It’s summer and the temperature is rising. Even in the early mornings the temperature and humidity are high. In these conditions, you can still get out and exercise but it is important to stay hydrated before, during and after your walk.
When it is very hot, your body will struggle to regulate your body's core temperature. To avoid heat exhaustion and heat stroke drink lots of fluids, slow down, take breaks, and try to stay in the shade as much as possible.
Don't forget to wear sunscreen. Endurance training requires being outside for many hours. You risk damaging your skin if you do not use sunscreen. Keep some in your car so you always it with you. This is helpful if you forget to apply it before leaving the house and also so you can pass by your car to reapply sunscreen if you are going to be exercising for an extended period of time.
To keep your fluids cool try freezing your water bottles the night before (remember to pour some liquid out first so when it expands it won’t break the water bottle) or add crushed ice to your water just before you leave the house. You can freeze extra bottles of water or sports drinks to leave in the trunk of your car so you have cool water/sports drink waiting for you when you have finished.
If you have a small cooler you can keep in the trunk of your car, consider leaving one or two bottles of water or sports drink and some snack bars in there so you never run out. I keep sunscreen and lip balm in my little cooler too. If you add an ice block or a frozen bottle of water to the cooler before you leave, it will keep everything nice and cool. Even if the cooler has no ice in it, your drinks will still stay cooler than if you just leave them in the car.
Add a wet facecloth to a bag of ice and leave it in the cooler so you can put the cloth around your neck after you finish your miles to help cool you down. I often put ice inside my hat to help cool me down more quickly (though this does make your head pretty cold).
Carry a facecloth with you so you can wipe the sweat from your face from time to time (but be careful not to rub too hard and remove your sunscreen). Some people like to carry a wet facecloth (I prefer dry). You could try both and see what you prefer. Alternatively you can purchase lightweight sports cooling towels designed to be wet and placed around your neck during exercise.
Another great way to cool down is to buy one of those gel filled neck ties that you soak in cold water. They usually have them for sale at the street fairs during the summer. You soak them in water and then store in the fridge and they stay lovely and cool (don’t freeze them – it messes up the gel so that it doesn’t absorb water as well). Pop one in your cooler next to a bag of ice and it will feel great when you tie it round your neck after your run/walk.
Bring a pair of flipflops with you that you can change into after you finish. Your feet will be very hot (and swollen) so allowing them to cool down as soon as possible will make you feel more comfortable. I usually bring a change of clothes too but if the heat and humidity are both high, changing clothes doesn’t seem to help much! At least bring a dry t-shirt to change into if you plan to head straight for breakfast. Make sure you have a towel in the car so you can dry off before changing clothes!
I always keep a spare towel, t-shirt and a running hat in the trunk of my car. If I run out of the house half-asleep early in the morning and forget something I know always have a backup in the car.
Stay cool.......... Coach Leenie