Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How Much Stuff Is Enough?

Ever wonder why some people bring so much stuff with them when they are walking or running outdoors? Do you travel light or do you like to have all the essentials close at hand?

At WalkAthlete we strongly advise that our athletes always carry hydration. We recommend carrying a  phone, car keys, some form of ID and emergency contact information when you walk or run. To make sure you are prepared for anything consider bringing $20 or so in cash just in case you need it. I usually carry a credit card too. (TIP: Put your mobile phone and cash in a little ziplock snack bag before putting in your hydration belt pouch to keep them dry. It means they are OK if it rains, if your water bottle leaks and protects it from sweat which can also cause sogginess issues). If doing longer miles (10+) you should consider carrying a sports drinks and/or nutrition too.

Why do you need Phone, ID, and cash? Sometimes athletes are involved in accidents or have medical issues. You may need your phone to call for help for you or someone else. You need ID so if something happens to you, people know who you are. The cash is so you can get a cab home if something happens and you are unable to finish your miles or return to your car. It is also so you always have enough money for breakfast (very important) or to buy something you need in a store (like food or hydration). You may think that because you are in good health nothing will happen to you so you really don’t need to carry ID. Well, even the healthiest of people can run into problems caused by dehydration, overheating, or a sudden medical emergency. You could also be involved in an accident caused by you or someone else. You could fall down or get knocked down by a person, bike or car. Life is uncertain so carry ID and emergency contact information just in case – hopefully you will never need it.

I recommend that you keep your keys with you rather than locking them in your car and using a keypad to get back in. The reason? If someone breaks into your car while you are gone, not only can they steal what is in the car, they can drive it away and possibly even get into your house if you left your house keys in the car too -- all while you are enjoying your walk/run. For the same reason don't lock your wallet and phone in your car.

I have a small ID holder that detaches from my wallet. I keep my ID in there, $20 in cash and a credit card. I leave my wallet at home, put the ID holder in a ziplock bag with my phone and put that into the pouch of my running belt. I add my sports nutrition gels (in a separate ziplock in case they leak or get sticky) and my keys I just throw in there.  I put a few tissues in a snack size ziplock too. These are great if you get watery eyes, a runny nose, or visit a toilet with no toilet paper. It is always a good idea to have emergency TP on you!

What to Have in Your Car
It is a good idea to bring a clean t-shirt (or a complete change of clothes), so you can change out of the sweaty, wet ones prior to heading off to breakfast/lunch/dinner/beer/work. If you are walking in hot and humid conditions a complete change of clothes is a good idea. The sooner you get out of the wet clothes, the more you minimize the risk of chafing.

A change of shoes can feel like heaven to tired, sore feet. A comfy pair of flip flops or sandals are ideal. Your toes may feel constricted as well as hot in your running shoes once you stop walking, so a quick change to a pair of sandals is a huge relief!

Bring extra fluids and nutrition. Keep a small cooler in the trunk of your car and keep a couple of bottles of water in there, perhaps some sports drink, and some snacks. You never know when you might run out of water or need nutrition. In hot weather, ice and a wet washcloth can help cool you down quickly! In cold weather a flask of hot coffee or tea might be more appreciated than ice cold water.

Sunscreen and a hat are good things to keep in the car so you can never forget them. In hot temps, you need them for every single walk!  A sweater or jacket is great for cooler temps to keep you warm as soon as you finish. Even on warm days you may feel cold after you finish your walk and your body temperature starts to drop so have something warm in the car waiting for you when you get back!

Keep a towel and some wet wipes in your car so you can dry off and clean up as necessary.

AND most importantly - always bring enthusiasm and great attitude!

Happy walking - Coach Leenie

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Food Glorious Food!

Your body needs calories to be able to exercise effectively. If you skip meals or eat too little, you will be tired and lethargic and may damage your health. If you are malnourished you may experience depression, fatigue, poor memory, trouble sleeping and moodiness.  Your metabolism will slow down so that even when eating insufficient calories, your body will gain weight. This is your body’s way of stopping you from starving to death.  Some people get into this cycle and eat less and less which makes them gain more and more weight. If you are eating less calories than your body needs to function properly, you will need to eat more to lose weight.

If you are trying to lose weight, firstly speak to your doctor about it. Secondly, make sure you keep track of what you eat and your exercise so you can adjust your daily calorie intake accordingly. More exercise = more calories!  There are many great tools for tracking nutrition and exercise. One I particularly like is My Fitness Pal http://www.myfitnesspal.com/. You can track using the website or you can download a smartphone app.  Both work very well and they stay in synch so you can switch between computer, tablet and smartphone.  To lose weight safely, and not put it all back on again, you need to eat sensibly and lose the weight at a moderate rate. This application will help you to do that.

You MUST eat before you go out to athletically walk! For long morning walks, do not skip breakfast. even if you are going for breakfast afterwards. Your body needs energy to burn. If you do not eat anything your body will not have the energy it needs to fuel your exercise. It can be dangerous to exercise without appropriate nutrition. Eat something easily digestible - avoid heavy proteins like meat or eggs. Oatmeal, or toast with peanut butter are both good. You will burn off those calories during your walk. If you are exercising during the day or in the evening you still need to eat before you start. Make sure you eat again post-exercise. How much you eat depends on how many miles you have walked.

A person who weighs 150lbs, will burn approximately 100 calories per mile whether they are walking or running. A mile is a mile. If you run it fast, the body burns calories at a faster rate for a shorter time. If you walk, you will burn calories at a slower rate but for a longer amount of time. No matter which you do, 1 mile (for 150lb person) will equal 100 calories.  This is less for people who weigh less and more for people who weigh more. This means that if you walk 3  miles, you are burning approximately 300 calories. You have not burnt enough to justify a huge meal! If you walk 12 miles, you burn 1200 calories. You need a hearty meal after a 12 mile walk! 

Make sure you have a good balance of protein and carbohydrates and drink lots of fluids. Ideally you should eat within 30 minutes of finishing a long walk. In the first half an hour after stopping exercise your body is able to quickly and efficiently replenish its energy stores. If you wait longer, your body's ability to replace energy stores in the muscles and liver slows down considerably so it could take days to replenish the energy stores that could have been accomplished in that first 30 minutes! A salad after a 10 mile walk is not sufficient nutrition. Don’t think that eating less will help you lose weight. It won’t! Your metabolism will slow down and your athletic performance will deteriorate. Good nutrition will help you maintain a healthy body and boost your metabolism. If you will not be sitting down to eat for more than 30 minutes after finishing a workout, consume a sports/snack bar, chocolate milk or a banana immediately after your walk to keep your body nourished until you eat a proper meal.